No one yet knows enough about the novel coronavirus, also known as SARS-Cov2, to offer any vaccine. And that explains the lockdowns and curfews to contain infections. Sadly, that also explains the spread of misinformation and half knowledge on social media, WhatsApp and other channels.
What’s the real problem in other countries or India, Mortality Rate? Nope, the possibility of healthcare collapse due to too many cases at the same time and recovery is slow and that’s why available reception capacity is so vital.
Folks who contract the new coronavirus will develop symptoms between five to twelve days after their exposure to the new virus, as per research report of Johns Hopkins
Based on data 650 confirmed cases, this data is estimated incubation period of Covid-19. To slow down this cases government take action “Quarantine” and this is a very good step for disease control and prevention is “appropriate” and will cover 99% of all infectious cases of the Covid-19 virus, said study co-author Kyra Grantz, a graduate student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore.
But the big question mark remains: What we do to protect from coronavirus for yourself or others, to help the government or doctors to fight with Covid-19
So what we have to do, make your body alkaline by drinking alkaline water or eat alkaline food and help others too. Have you ever notice many doctors, Ayurveda said to eat healthy food the reason behind this to make your body alkaline which helps to fight from free radicals which create in our body due to more acidic nature. So when we drink alkaline water this boosts our immune system, helps in digestion and many more.
On such concerns, if you have an alkaline water machine please drink more water as much as you can and distribute the same to help others make the immune system strong to fight with Covid-19.
Chanson trying to spread information about alkaline water which helps you to fight Covid-19, so help us for the same by contributing to the nation, just a small step fill one bottle of alkaline water and distribute it in your neighborhood to protect them from the virus. Below is the awareness posters released by the Ministry of Health and family welfare which shows some do’s and don’ts to protect yourself and others from Novel Coronavirus.
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