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24 Jun 2024
10 Natural Ways to Soften Hard Water at Home - Easy DIY Solutions

Hard water is a common issue in many households, characterized by high mineral content, particularly calcium and magnesium. These minerals can cause a variety of problems, from dry skin and dull hair to clogged pipes and inefficient appliances. Softening hard water is crucial for maintaining the health of your skin and hair, as well as extending the lifespan of your household appliances. In this blog post, we will explore ten natural methods to soften hard water at home, ensuring a healthier and more efficient living environment.

1. Boiling

Boiling is one of the simplest ways to soften hard water. When water is boiled, the heat causes calcium and magnesium ions to precipitate out, reducing the hardness.

How to Boil Water for Softening: Simply bring a pot of water to a boil and let it cool. The minerals will settle at the bottom, and you can pour the softened water into another container, leaving the sediment behind.
Practical Tips: Boil water in batches and store it in clean, covered containers for daily use.

2. Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective and affordable way to soften water due to its alkaline properties, which help to neutralize the minerals.

Step-by-Step Guide: Add one teaspoon of baking soda to a gallon of water, stir well, and let it sit for a few hours before use.
Benefits and Precautions: Baking soda not only softens water but also enhances its alkalinity. However, overuse can lead to excessive alkalinity, so it's important to use it sparingly.

3. Vinegar Treatment

Vinegar is a natural acid that can break down minerals found in hard water, making it softer.

Instructions: Add one cup of vinegar to a gallon of hard water, mix thoroughly, and let it sit for a few hours.
Suggested Types and Quantities: White vinegar is commonly used, but apple cider vinegar can also be effective. Use one cup of vinegar per gallon of water for optimal results.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, with its natural acidity, is another effective method to soften water.

Process: Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a gallon of water, mix well, and allow it to stand for a few hours.
Additional Benefits: Lemon juice not only softens water but also adds a fresh scent and slight flavor, making it pleasant for drinking.

5. Using a Carbon Filter

Carbon filters are effective at removing chlorine and organic compounds, which can contribute to water hardness.

Installation and Maintenance: Attach a carbon filter to your faucet or use a pitcher with a built-in filter. Replace the filter cartridges as recommended by the manufacturer.
Benefits: Carbon filters improve water taste and odor while reducing hardness.

6. Adding Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can help in softening water by binding with the minerals.

Guide: Dissolve one tablespoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and let it sit for a few hours.
Safety Tips: While Epsom salt is generally safe, it's important not to overuse it, as excessive magnesium can cause health issues.

7. Installing a Shower Head Filter

Shower head filters are designed to remove minerals from the water, providing a softer shower experience.

Types and Effectiveness: Look for filters that are specifically designed to reduce hardness. Many models also remove chlorine and other impurities.
Installation and Maintenance: These filters are easy to install and usually require cartridge replacements every few months.

8. Using a Magnetic Water Softener

Magnetic water softeners work by altering the electromagnetic properties of minerals, preventing them from sticking to surfaces.

Installation and Use: Attach the magnetic device to your water pipes as per the manufacturer's instructions.
Pros and Cons: While easy to install and maintain, the effectiveness of magnetic softeners can vary based on water composition and flow rate.

9. Employing a Water Softening Pillow

Water-softening pillows are small, portable devices that can be placed in water to reduce hardness.

Instructions: Place the pillow in a container of water and let it sit for the recommended time, typically a few hours.
Advantages and Limitations: These pillows are convenient and reusable but may not be suitable for large volumes of water.

10. Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has natural properties that can help in softening water.

Preparation and Use: Cut an aloe vera leaf, extract the gel, and add it to a gallon of water. Mix well and let it sit for a few hours.
Additional Benefits: Aloe vera not only softens water but also has moisturizing properties that are beneficial for the skin.

Softening hard water naturally is both eco-friendly and cost-effective. By using these ten methods, you can improve the quality of your water, protect your appliances, and enjoy healthier skin and hair. Experiment with these techniques to find the ones that work best for you, and consider combining them for enhanced effectiveness. Regularly maintaining your household appliances and monitoring water quality will ensure the best results. Try these natural water-softening methods at home and experience the difference!

12 Jun 2024
What Is Kangen Water - Chanson Water

In recent years, the popularity of alkaline water has surged as more people seek out health and wellness trends. Among the various types of alkaline water, Kangen Water stands out as a prominent and frequently discussed option. This blog post aims to explore what Kangen Water is, its benefits, and its uses, providing a comprehensive understanding for those curious about its potential health advantages.

Definition and Origins of Kangen Water
The term "Kangen" is derived from Japanese, meaning "return to origin," signifying a return to the pure, natural state of water. Kangen Water is produced by Enagic, a Japanese company with a long-standing history in the water ionization industry. Founded in 1974, Enagic has been at the forefront of developing ionized water technology. Kangen Water, in essence, is ionized water, created through a process that alters its pH level, making it alkaline and potentially beneficial for health.

How Kangen Water is Produced?
The production of Kangen Water involves a process known as ionization, which occurs in specialized machines designed by Enagic. These Kangen Water machines use electrolysis to separate the water into alkaline and acidic components. The result is several types of water, including alkaline, acidic, and neutral water, each serving different purposes. The alkaline water is primarily consumed for its potential health benefits, while the acidic water can be used for cleaning and sanitizing.

Benefits of Kangen Water
Kangen Water offers several potential benefits that make it an attractive option for health-conscious individuals.
  • Hydration and Absorption: The smaller water clusters in Kangen Water are believed to enhance hydration and improve absorption at the cellular level.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Kangen Water is rich in antioxidants, which can help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Potential Health Benefits: Users report various health benefits, including improved digestion, enhanced detoxification, and increased energy levels. Compared to regular tap and bottled water, Kangen Water's unique properties may offer superior hydration and detoxification capabilities.

Common Uses of Kangen Water
Kangen Water is versatile and can be used in various aspects of daily life:

  • Drinking and Hydration: It serves as a refreshing and hydrating beverage.
  • Cooking and Food Preparation: Kangen Water can enhance the flavor and nutritional value of food
  • Cleaning and Sanitizing: The acidic water produced by Kangen machines is effective for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces
  • Skincare and Beauty Routines: The water's properties can benefit the skin, making it a popular choice for beauty routines.

Understanding pH and ORP Levels
To fully appreciate Kangen Water, it's essential to understand pH and ORP levels:

  • pH Levels: The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is. Kangen Water typically has a higher pH, making it alkaline, which is thought to balance the body's pH levels.
  • ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential): ORP indicates the water's ability to act as an antioxidant. Kangen Water generally has a negative ORP, signifying its potential to reduce oxidation and combat free radicals.

Myths and Facts About Kangen Water
As with any popular health trend, Kangen Water is surrounded by myths and misconceptions. It's crucial to address these and rely on scientific research and expert opinions. While some claims may be exaggerated, many testimonials and user experiences highlight genuine benefits. Scientific studies provide additional support, though it's always advisable to approach such claims with a critical eye.

How to Get Kangen Water?
For those interested in trying Kangen Water, purchasing a Kangen Water machine is the primary option. These machines vary in price, and it's essential to choose one that fits your needs and budget. Maintenance involves regular cleaning and filter replacements to ensure optimal performance.

Additional Resources
For further information on Kangen Water and alkaline water, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Scientific Studies and Articles: Look for research on the benefits and properties of alkaline water.
  • Books and Experts: Seek out publications and opinions from experts in the field of health and wellness.
  • Enagic's Official Website and User Communities: These platforms offer valuable insights, support, and user experiences.

Kangen Water presents an intriguing option for those looking to enhance their health and wellness routines. By understanding its origins, production process, benefits, and uses, you can make an informed decision about incorporating Kangen Water into your daily life.

Interested in the Health Benefits of Alkaline Water? 
Experience the difference with Chanson Water. Visit our website to learn more about the advanced technology behind our water ionizers, read testimonials from satisfied users, and find the perfect Chanson Water machine for your needs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your hydration and overall wellness. Click here https://chansonqualitywater.com to explore our products and start your journey to a healthier lifestyle today!

30 May 2024
Ideal TDS for Drinking Water: Health & Taste Guide

Understanding the quality of the water we drink is essential for maintaining good health. One key factor in water quality is TDS or Total Dissolved Solids. TDS refers to the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth look at the Ideal TDS for Drinking Water and how to maintain the ideal TDS levels for both health and taste.

Excerpt - Understanding the quality of drinking water is essential. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measure all inorganic and organic substances in water, affecting taste and health. The ideal TDS range is 50-150 ppm, ensuring balanced minerals and flavor. Regular testing helps maintain water quality and informs treatment decisions.

What is TDS?

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids, a measure of the dissolved combined content of all inorganic and organic substances present in water. These substances can include minerals, salts, and organic matter. TDS is usually measured in parts per million (ppm) and can be determined using a TDS meter or by analyzing water samples in a lab.

The components contributing to TDS can vary widely, including:

  • Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
  • Salts: Bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates.
  • Organic Matter: Decomposing leaves, plant material, and industrial pollutants.

Importance of TDS in Drinking Water

The TDS level in drinking water can significantly impact both health and taste. High TDS levels can result in water that tastes salty, bitter, or metallic and can lead to health issues if certain harmful contaminants are present. Conversely, very low TDS levels can result in water that tastes flat and may lack essential minerals.

TDS also plays a crucial role in water purification and treatment processes. Understanding the TDS level of your water can help you determine the best treatment method, ensuring safe and pleasant drinking water.

Ideal TDS Range for Drinking Water

Health authorities like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommend maintaining a TDS level in drinking water within the range of 50-150 ppm. Water in this range is generally considered to have the best taste and the right balance of essential minerals. However, the ideal TDS range can be influenced by factors such as geographic location and personal preference. Some regions naturally have higher or lower TDS levels due to the local water sources.

Benefits of Maintaining Ideal TDS Levels

Maintaining the ideal TDS levels in your drinking water offers several benefits:

  • Improved Taste and Quality: Water with the right TDS levels has a more pleasant taste and better overall quality.
  • Health Benefits: Proper TDS levels ensure that the water contains essential minerals, contributing to better hydration and overall health.
  • Avoiding Risks: Balanced TDS levels help avoid the potential health risks associated with too high or too low TDS, such as kidney stones or lack of essential nutrients

How to Measure and Adjust TDS Levels

Measuring and adjusting TDS levels in your drinking water can be done with relative ease:

  • Measurement Tools: Use a TDS meter to measure the TDS levels at home. These devices are affordable and provide quick results.
  • Reducing High TDS: Techniques like Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems and water softeners are effective in reducing high TDS levels.
  • Increasing Low TDS: To increase low TDS levels, you can add mineral cartridges to your water system, which help reintroduce essential minerals.

Common Misconceptions About TDS

There are several misconceptions about TDS and its impact on water quality:

  • TDS and Water Hardness: TDS is often confused with water hardness, but they are not the same. Water hardness refers specifically to the concentration of calcium and magnesium, while TDS includes all dissolved substances
  • High TDS Equals Contaminated Water: Not all high TDS levels indicate contamination. Some minerals that contribute to high TDS are beneficial to health

Case Studies and Real-Life Examples

Different regions have varying TDS levels due to their natural water sources. For example, areas with a lot of limestone may have higher TDS due to the presence of calcium. Understanding these variations can help local populations manage their water quality better and ensure safe drinking water.

Maintaining ideal TDS levels in drinking water is crucial for both health and taste. Regularly testing and monitoring your water's TDS levels can help you make informed decisions about water treatment and ensure that your drinking water is of the highest quality.

Additional Resources

Experience the Benefits of Pure, Healthy Water with a Chanson Water Ionizer! Transform your tap water into alkaline, ionized water for better hydration and wellness. Shop now and elevate your water quality today!

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09 May 2024
What is UF In Water Purifier: A Comprehensive Guide

Water purifiers are essential for ensuring safe drinking water by removing impurities. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a key technology in this process, using a membrane to filter out particles as small as 0.01 microns. Unlike Reverse Osmosis (RO) which removes minerals, UF retains them, providing healthier water.

UF is effective against bacteria, viruses, and cysts, making it ideal for areas with unsafe water sources. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance. Overall, UF in water purifiers offers a reliable and eco-friendly solution for clean, safe drinking water. This article aims to provide a detail of What Is UF in Water Purifier?

What is UF In Water Purifier?

Ultrafiltration (UF) is a water purification technology used in water purifiers to remove impurities and contaminants from water. It works by using a semi-permeable membrane to filter out particles as small as 0.01 microns, including bacteria, viruses, and cysts, making the water safe for consumption. Unlike Reverse Osmosis (RO), which removes minerals along with impurities, UF retains essential minerals in the water, ensuring a healthier water composition. UF is particularly effective in areas with unsafe water sources, as it can remove harmful microorganisms. Regular maintenance is important to ensure the optimal performance of UF filters. Overall, UF in water purifiers provides a reliable and eco-friendly solution for clean and safe drinking water.

How Does UF Differ from Other Technologies?

Ultrafiltration (UF) differs from other water purification technologies, such as Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Ultraviolet (UV) purification, in several key ways:

  1. Principle of Operation: UF uses a physical barrier (membrane) to separate particles from water based on size, while RO uses pressure to force water through a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities. UV, on the other hand, uses ultraviolet light to disinfect water by inactivating microorganisms.
  2. Particle Size Removal: UF can remove particles as small as 0.01 microns, including bacteria, viruses, and cysts. RO, however, can remove even smaller particles, down to 0.0001 microns, including dissolved salts and minerals. UV does not remove particles but inactivates microorganisms.
  3. Maintenance: UF systems generally require less maintenance compared to RO systems, which often require periodic filter changes and maintenance to prevent clogging. UV systems require periodic bulb replacement and cleaning of the UV chamber.
  4. Wastage: RO systems typically waste water during the purification process, with a ratio of purified to waste water ranging from 1:2 to 1:3. UF and UV systems do not produce wastewater during the purification process.
  5. Mineral Retention: UF retains essential minerals in water, unlike RO, which removes minerals along with impurities. UV does not alter the mineral composition of water.
  6. Suitability: UF is suitable for areas with unsafe water sources, as it can effectively remove harmful microorganisms. RO is suitable for areas with high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels and poor water quality. UV is suitable for water with low levels of contamination and as a final polishing step in purification.

Advantages of UF in Water Purifiers

Ultrafiltration (UF) in water purifiers offers several advantages:

  1. Removal of Microorganisms: UF is highly effective in removing bacteria, viruses, and cysts from water, making it safe for consumption. The membrane used in UF has tiny pores that can filter out these microorganisms.
  2. Retention of Essential Minerals: Unlike Reverse Osmosis (RO), which removes essential minerals along with impurities, UF retains these minerals in the water. This ensures that the water remains healthy and nutritious.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: UF does not require electricity or chemicals for the purification process, making it an environmentally friendly option. It also does not produce wastewater, unlike RO, which wastes a significant amount of water during the purification process.
  4. Suitability for Unsafe Water Sources: UF is particularly useful in areas where the water source is microbiologically unsafe. It can effectively remove harmful microorganisms, providing safe drinking water.
  5. No Alteration of Water Composition: UF does not alter the composition of water, except for removing impurities. This means that the water retains its natural taste and properties.
  6. Low Maintenance: UF systems generally require less maintenance compared to RO systems. Regular cleaning of the membrane is necessary, but the frequency is lower than that of RO systems.
  7. Cost-Effective: UF systems are often more cost-effective than RO systems, both in terms of initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs

Overall, UF in water purifiers offers a reliable and efficient way to purify water, making it safe for consumption while retaining essential minerals and being environmentally friendly.

Limitations of UF

While Ultrafiltration (UF) is an effective water purification method, it does have some limitations:

  1. Does Not Remove Dissolved Impurities: UF is not effective in removing dissolved impurities such as salts and minerals from water. Therefore, it is recommended to use UF in conjunction with other purification methods if these impurities are a concern.
  2. Pre-filtration Required in Areas with High Turbidity: In areas with high turbidity (cloudiness caused by suspended particles), pre-filtration may be necessary to prevent clogging of the UF membrane. This can add complexity and cost to the purification system.
  3. Limited Size Exclusion: While UF can filter out particles as small as 0.01 microns, it may not be effective against all types of contaminants. Some viruses and dissolved organic compounds may pass through the UF membrane, although the risk is generally low.
  4. Maintenance Requirements: While UF systems generally require less maintenance than Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, regular maintenance is still necessary to ensure optimal performance. This includes cleaning the membrane and replacing filters as needed.
  5. Limited Effectiveness Against Chemical Contaminants: UF is primarily effective against physical contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and cysts. It may not be as effective against chemical contaminants, which may require additional treatment methods.
  6. Initial Cost: While UF systems are generally more cost-effective than RO systems, they still involve an initial investment. The cost of the UF membrane and other components can vary depending on the system's size and complexity

Despite these limitations, UF remains a valuable water purification method, particularly in areas where microbiological contamination is a primary concern. By understanding these limitations and implementing proper maintenance and pre-filtration measures, the effectiveness of UF systems can be maximized.

Maintenance and Cleaning of UF Filters

Proper maintenance and cleaning of Ultrafiltration (UF) filters are essential to ensure their optimal performance and longevity. Here are some tips for maintaining and cleaning UF filters:

  1. Regular Cleaning: UF filters should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of contaminants and to maintain their effectiveness. The frequency of cleaning will depend on the quality of the water being filtered and the manufacturer's recommendations
  2. Use of Cleaning Solutions: Use a suitable cleaning solution recommended by the manufacturer to clean the UF filters. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure proper cleaning and avoid damaging the filters
  3. Backwashing: Backwashing is a common cleaning method for UF filters. It involves reversing the flow of water through the filter to flush out accumulated particles and contaminants. This helps to restore the filter's flow rate and efficiency
  4. Chemical Cleaning: In some cases, chemical cleaning may be necessary to remove stubborn deposits and contaminants from UF filters. Use only the chemicals recommended by the manufacturer and follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the filters
  5. Replacement of Filters: UF filters have a limited lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced. Regularly check the condition of the filters and replace them as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain optimal performance
  6. Preventative Maintenance: In addition to regular cleaning, it's important to perform routine maintenance checks on the UF system. This includes checking for leaks, monitoring the flow rate, and ensuring that all components are functioning properly
  7. Professional Maintenance: For complex UF systems or if you're unsure about the maintenance procedures, it's advisable to seek professional maintenance services. Professional technicians can ensure that the filters are properly cleaned and maintained, maximizing their lifespan and performance

By following these maintenance and cleaning tips, you can ensure that your UF filters perform efficiently and provide you with clean, safe drinking water for years to come.

UF technology in water purifiers offers an effective and environmentally friendly way to ensure safe drinking water. Its ability to remove harmful microorganisms while retaining essential minerals makes it a popular choice for households and industries alike. Consider UF technology for your water purification needs and enjoy clean and safe drinking water for you and your family.

Experience the difference of ionized water in your daily life! Invest in a water ionizer today and enjoy the benefits of drinking alkaline water, antioxidant-rich water. Say goodbye to bottled water and hello to a sustainable, healthy hydration solution. Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle and discover the power of ionized water. Order your water ionizer now and start enjoying the benefits!

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24 Apr 2024
The Health Benefits of Drinking Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water

In recent years, the popularity of reverse osmosis (RO) water has surged due to its perceived health benefits. But what exactly is reverse osmosis, and why is it gaining such recognition? In this article, we'll delve into the process of reverse osmosis, its benefits, and why it's becoming a popular choice for many health-conscious individuals.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a special filter called a membrane to remove impurities from water. This membrane has extremely tiny pores that only allow water molecules to pass through, effectively blocking larger particles like minerals, chemicals, and bacteria.

In the reverse osmosis process, pressure is applied to the water on one side of the membrane, forcing it through while leaving the impurities behind. The result is clean, purified water that is free from many contaminants. This method is commonly used in both industrial settings and for home water purification systems to ensure safe and clean drinking water.

The Reverse Osmosis Process

The reverse osmosis process involves several stages, each crucial for ensuring the purity of the water:

  1. Sediment Filter: Before water enters the reverse osmosis membrane, it passes through a pre-filter to remove sediments, debris, and larger particles. This step safeguards the RO membrane from potential clogging or damage.
  2. Carbon Pre-Filter: The water then passes through a carbon pre-filter, which removes chlorine and other chemicals that can affect the taste and odor of the water.
  3. RO Membrane: The heart of the reverse osmosis system, the RO membrane, removes contaminants such as lead, arsenic, fluoride, and other dissolved solids.
  4. Post-Filtration: After passing through the RO membrane, the water undergoes a final post-filtration process to ensure its purity before consumption.

Why is Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water So Popular?

There are several reasons why drinking reverse osmosis water has become increasingly popular:

  1. Comprehensive Filtration: Reverse osmosis effectively removes a wide range of impurities, providing clean and safe drinking water.
  2. Improved Taste and Odor: By removing chlorine and other chemicals, RO water has a fresher and more appealing taste.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment in a reverse osmosis system may seem high, it is cost-effective in the long run compared to buying bottled water.

Health Benefits of Drinking Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water

  1. Goodbye Impurities: RO water is free from contaminants, making it safe and healthy to drink.
  2. Optimal Hydration: The purity of RO water allows for better hydration, which is essential for overall health and well-being.
  3. Digestive Issues? Not Anymore!: Drinking RO water can help improve digestion and prevent digestive issues
  4. Achieve Beautiful Skin: The purity of RO water can benefit your skin, making it clearer and more radiant.
  5. Helps in Weight Loss: Drinking plenty of water, especially clean RO water, can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing hunger.
  6. Boosts Immune System: RO water is free from harmful contaminants, helping to boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
  7. Improves Kidney Function: By reducing the intake of contaminants, RO water can help improve kidney function and overall kidney health.
  8. Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Drinking clean water can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by promoting overall heart health
  9. Say Hello to Beautiful Hair: The purity of RO water can benefit your hair, making it softer, shinier, and more manageable.
  10. No Need for a Manicure, Ever!: The purity of RO water can benefit your nails, making them stronger and less prone to breakage

Drinking reverse osmosis (RO) water offers a range of health benefits, from improved digestion to healthier skin and hair. By investing in a reverse osmosis system, you can enjoy clean, safe, and great-tasting water that contributes to your overall health and well-being.

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15 Apr 2024
10 Benefits of Alkaline Water: Understanding Its Potential Impact on Your Health

Alkaline water has become increasingly popular in the health and wellness industry due to its perceived health benefits. Believed to offer advantages such as improved hydration and antioxidant properties, alkaline water has garnered attention for its potential to enhance overall health. This guide will delve into the science behind alkaline water and explore its ten remarkable health benefits.

What Is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water is water that has been ionized to increase its pH level. pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is, with a pH of 7 considered neutral. Alkaline water typically has a pH of 8 or 9, making it slightly alkaline. This is in contrast to regular tap water, which has a pH of around 7. The process of ionization involves using an ionizer machine to raise the pH of the water. Some people believe that consuming alkaline water can help neutralize acid in the body and improve overall health. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of alkaline water.

Why is Alkaline Water Popular?

Alkaline water has gained popularity due to its perceived health benefits. Advocates claim that it can neutralize acid in the bloodstream, boost metabolism, and help the body absorb nutrients more effectively. Additionally, alkaline water is said to have antioxidant properties, which can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. These claims have led to increased interest in alkaline water as a potential health-promoting beverage. However, it's important to note that scientific research on the benefits of alkaline water is still ongoing, and more studies are needed to fully understand its effects on health.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

  1. Improved Hydration: Improved hydration is a key benefit of alkaline water. It is believed to be more easily absorbed by the body compared to regular water, leading to better hydration levels. This is important because adequate hydration is essential for various bodily functions, including digestion, nutrient absorption, circulation, and temperature regulation. By promoting better hydration, alkaline water can contribute to overall health and well-being.

  2. Antioxidant Properties:  Alkaline water is believed to have antioxidant properties, which means it may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells, leading to various health problems. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, reducing their harmful effects and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. While more research is needed to fully understand the antioxidant effects of alkaline water, some studies suggest that it may have beneficial effects on health.

  3. Detoxification Support:  Detoxification support is often attributed to alkaline water, with claims that it can help remove acidic waste products from the body. Proponents suggest that by drinking alkaline water, the body's pH balance can be optimized, which may enhance its natural detoxification processes. However, it's important to note that the body already has effective mechanisms, such as the liver and kidneys, for detoxifying and eliminating waste products. While alkaline water may support these processes, there is limited scientific evidence to conclusively support its role in detoxification.

  4. Better pH Balance:  One of the main purported benefits of alkaline water is its ability to help maintain a better pH balance in the body. The pH level measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is, and the body strives to maintain a slightly alkaline pH for optimal health. Some proponents believe that consuming alkaline water can help neutralize excess acid in the body, which is thought to be beneficial because high acidity levels may contribute to various health issues. However, scientific evidence supporting the idea that alkaline water significantly impacts the body's pH balance is limited.

  5. Bone Health: Alkaline water is sometimes promoted for its potential benefits to bone health. The theory is that because alkaline water has a higher pH level than tap water, it can help neutralize acid in the bloodstream, which in turn can reduce the amount of calcium leached from the bones. This is based on the idea that the body may draw on calcium reserves to buffer the effects of excess acidity in the blood, leading to weakened bones over time. However, the evidence for this is not conclusive. While some studies suggest that alkaline water might have a positive effect on bone health, more research is needed to fully understand its impact. It's also important to note that other factors, such as diet, exercise, and overall health, play significant roles in maintaining bone health.

  6. Digestive Health:  Alkaline water is often associated with digestive health, with some claims suggesting that it can help neutralize stomach acid and improve overall digestion. The theory is that by reducing the acidity in the stomach, alkaline water may alleviate symptoms of acid reflux and indigestion. Additionally, proponents suggest that alkaline water can help maintain the balance of beneficial gut bacteria, which is important for digestive health. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. While some studies suggest that alkaline water may have a neutralizing effect on stomach acid in certain conditions, more research is needed to determine its overall impact on digestive health. It's also important to note that individual responses to alkaline water may vary, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

  7. Improved Skin Health:  Alkaline water is often touted as beneficial for skin health. Proponents suggest that alkaline water can help hydrate the skin more effectively than regular water, leading to improved skin elasticity, texture, and overall appearance. Additionally, some believe that alkaline water's antioxidant properties can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to premature aging. While there is anecdotal evidence supporting these claims, scientific research on the specific effects of alkaline water on skin health is limited. More studies are needed to determine the extent of alkaline water's impact on skin health and whether it offers any significant advantages over regular water for skin care.

  8. Weight Loss Support: Alkaline water is sometimes promoted as a weight loss aid, with claims that it can boost metabolism and reduce appetite. Proponents suggest that because alkaline water is less acidic than tap water, it can help neutralize acid in the body, which in turn may lead to increased metabolism and reduced fat storage. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. While hydration is important for overall health and can play a role in weight management, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that alkaline water specifically promotes weight loss. Additionally, factors such as diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle play a much larger role in determining weight loss success.

  9. Increased Energy Levels:  Alkaline water is sometimes associated with increased energy levels. Proponents suggest that because alkaline water is more easily absorbed by the body, it can help improve hydration and nutrient delivery to cells, which may result in higher energy levels. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. While proper hydration is important for maintaining energy levels, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that alkaline water specifically has a significant impact on energy levels. Factors such as diet, sleep, and overall health play a larger role in determining energy levels.

  10. Sports Performance:  Alkaline water is sometimes promoted for its potential to improve sports performance. Proponents suggest that alkaline water can help improve hydration and reduce the buildup of lactic acid in muscles, which can lead to improved endurance and faster recovery times. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. While proper hydration is important for athletic performance, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that alkaline water specifically enhances sports performance. Factors such as training, nutrition, and overall fitness level are likely to have a greater impact on athletic performance than the pH level of the water consumed.

While the health benefits of alkaline water are promising, it's essential to note that more research is needed to fully understand its effects on the body. Incorporating alkaline water into your daily routine may provide various health benefits, but it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

30 Jan 2024
Understanding pH Meters: A Guide to Calibration and Usage

pH meters are invaluable tools in various industries, laboratories, and even everyday applications. These devices measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution by quantifying the concentration of hydrogen ions. Whether you're a scientist, a hobbyist, or a professional in fields such as chemistry, biology, or environmental science, understanding how to calibrate and use a pH meter is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results.

What is a pH Meter?

A pH meter is a scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution, which is used to determine its acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, lower values indicating acidity, and higher values indicating alkalinity. pH meters consist of a probe, an electrode, and a metering device.

Calibration Process:

Calibrating a pH meter is a crucial step to ensure its accuracy and reliability. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calibrate a pH meter:

Select the Calibration Standards:

Begin by selecting at least two calibration standards that bracket the expected pH range of your samples. Buffer solutions with known pH values, such as pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01, are commonly used for calibration.

Prepare the pH Meter:

Turn on the pH meter and ensure that it's clean and free from any residue. If necessary, rinse the electrode with distilled water.

Immerse the Electrode:

Immerse the electrode into the first buffer solution. Allow it to stabilize for a few minutes until a steady reading is achieved.

Adjust the Calibration:

Using the calibration controls on the meter, adjust the reading to match the known pH value of the buffer solution. Repeat this process with the second buffer solution.

Final Verification:

After calibrating with two standard solutions, it's advisable to check with a third solution to verify accuracy. If necessary, make additional adjustments.


Using a pH Meter:

Once calibrated, using a pH meter becomes a straightforward process. Here are some essential steps:

Prepare the Sample:

Ensure that your sample is well-mixed and at the appropriate temperature. pH readings can be temperature-dependent, so be aware of any necessary corrections.

Immerse the Electrode:

Gently immerse the electrode into the solution, avoiding any air bubbles that could affect accuracy. Allow the reading to stabilize before recording.

Cleaning the Electrode:

Rinse the electrode with distilled water between measurements and, if needed, use a pH electrode cleaning solution. This helps maintain the electrode's sensitivity and accuracy.

Recording the Measurement:

Record the pH reading and, if necessary, make any adjustments for temperature variations.

⚖️ Elevate your health journey with precision and control – Introducing the American Marine pH Meter, your key to unlocking the secrets of balanced living! 🌐💧

🌈 Why Choose American Marine pH Meter?

✅ Accuracy Redefined: Trust in our state-of-the-art pH meter for precise and instant readings. Achieve unparalleled accuracy to ensure you are always in command of your body's pH levels.
✅ Versatile Functionality: Seamlessly measure the pH of liquids in various settings, from your drinking water and culinary creations to gardening and aquarium maintenance. Versatility at your fingertips!

✅ Easy-to-Use Technology: Embrace simplicity without compromising sophistication. Our user-friendly design ensures hassle-free operation, making it the perfect companion for both beginners and experts.

🌟 Unlock a World of Balance!

Take charge of your well-being with the American Marine pH Meter. Explore the fascinating world of pH balance, understand your body's needs, and empower yourself with the knowledge to make informed lifestyle choices.

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Click https://chansonqualitywater.com/pinpoint-ph-meter to discover the tool that empowers you to measure, monitor, and maintain balance effortlessly. Don't just gauge, gain control over your pH levels – start your journey to a harmonious life today! 🌿💦

14 Dec 2023
Unveiling the Mysteries: What Alkaline Water Really Does to Your Body, with Insights into Chanson Quality Water

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, alkaline water has emerged as a prominent player, promising a range of benefits for the human body. As we embark on a journey to understand the true impact of alkaline water on our well-being, we delve into its production methods, assess its necessity, debunk popular myths, and explore potential dangers associated with high pH levels. Throughout this exploration, we shine a spotlight on Chanson Quality Water, a trusted brand in the realm of water ionizers.

How is Alkaline Water Produced?

The Natural Way:

Alkaline water can occur naturally when water passes over rocks and picks up minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which contribute to its alkalinity. While this source is authentic, it may not always be practical for daily consumption.

The Electrolysis Way:

Water ionization Machine utilize the electrolysis process to produce alkaline water. These devices split water into alkaline and acidic components through ionization. Chanson Quality Water has perfected this method, employing advanced technology to ensure consistent and high-quality alkaline water production.

Is Alkaline Water Necessary?

Dispelling the Myth:

Some proponents claim that regular consumption of alkaline water can prevent diseases and enhance overall health. While scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, alkaline water does offer certain potential benefits.

Benefits of Alkaline Water:

Balancing pH Levels: Alkaline water may help maintain the body's pH balance, creating an environment that discourages the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Antioxidant Properties: Alkaline water, particularly when produced using Alkaline Water ionizers like those from Chanson Quality Water, can have antioxidant properties, neutralizing free radicals and promoting cellular health.

Busting Popular Alkaline Water Myths:

Myth: Alkaline Water Cures Diseases:

Reality: While alkaline water may contribute to overall well-being, it is not a cure for diseases. It should be seen as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

Myth: Higher pH is Always Better:

Reality: Excessive alkalinity can have adverse effects on the body. It is essential to maintain a balanced pH level for optimal health.

Dangers of High pH in the Body : 

Protein Digestion Problems:
Excessively alkaline conditions may interfere with the stomach's acidic environment, potentially affecting protein digestion.

Eye and Skin Irritation:
High pH levels can lead to irritation in sensitive areas like the eyes and skin.

Breaking of Hair Fibers:
Alkaline water, when not balanced, may contribute to the weakening of hair fibers.

Unhealthy Weight Loss:
Extreme pH levels may be associated with unhealthy weight loss, which can have detrimental effects on the body.

Explaining the Weight Loss:


While some proponents suggest that alkaline water aids in weight loss, it's crucial to understand that any weight loss is likely due to increased hydration and not a magical property of the water itself.

Possible Growth Retardation:

Excessive alkalinity may impact the absorption of essential minerals, potentially leading to growth-related issues, especially in children.

Chanson Quality Water: A Trusted Companion in Alkaline Hydration

As we navigate the intricacies of alkaline water, Chanson Quality Water emerges as a brand dedicated to delivering water ionizer machines that prioritize innovation, reliability, and user satisfaction. Their commitment to advanced electrolysis technology ensures that users can harness the potential benefits of alkaline water without compromising on quality.


In the quest to understand what alkaline water truly does to the body, it's crucial to strike a balance. While alkaline water, especially when produced through advanced electrolysis methods like those employed by Chanson Quality Water, can offer potential health benefits, moderation is key. As we unravel the mysteries surrounding alkaline water, let's approach its consumption with a discerning eye, embracing a holistic approach to health and well-being.

12 Dec 2023
Exploring the Wonders of Alkaline Water Ionizer Machine: A Deep Dive into Chanson Quality Water

In the pursuit of optimal health and well-being, individuals are increasingly turning to innovative solutions that elevate the quality of their daily lives. One such groundbreaking technology that has gained prominence is the alkaline water ionizer machine, with Chanson Quality Water leading the way in providing unparalleled benefits. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the transformative advantages of these machines and shed light on why Chanson Quality Water stands out as a trusted brand in the realm of alkaline water.

Understanding Alkaline Water Ionizers:

At the core of this health-conscious revolution lies the alkaline water ionizer machine—a sophisticated device designed to transform ordinary tap water into a hydrating elixir with numerous health benefits. These machines operate on the principle of electrolysis, where water passes through an ionization chamber, creating alkaline and acidic streams. In this context, Chanson Quality Water emerges as a reliable brand synonymous with cutting-edge technology and unwavering commitment to quality.

The Benefits of Alkaline Water:

Balanced pH Levels:

One of the primary advantages of consuming alkaline water is its ability to balance the body's pH levels. Maintaining a slightly alkaline pH is crucial for overall health, as it creates an environment that discourages the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and supports bodily functions.

Antioxidant Power:

Alkaline water is rich in antioxidants, which play a pivotal role in neutralizing free radicals that can cause cellular damage. Chanson Quality Water's ionizer machines contribute to the production of antioxidant-rich water, aiding in the fight against oxidative stress and promoting cellular health.

Improved Hydration:

Alkaline water is believed to have smaller molecular clusters, making it more easily absorbed by cells. This enhanced hydration can lead to increased energy levels, improved nutrient absorption, and better overall bodily functions.


Drinking alkaline water may support the body's natural detoxification processes. It helps flush out toxins and waste products, promoting a cleaner, healthier internal environment.

Bone Health:

Some studies suggest that maintaining an alkaline pH may contribute to better bone health by helping to preserve essential minerals like calcium. This is particularly beneficial in preventing conditions such as osteoporosis.

Chanson Quality Water: A Brand You Can Trust

Amidst the myriad of options available, Chanson Quality Water stands out as a beacon of reliability and excellence in the realm of water ionizers. As a brand committed to delivering the highest standards of quality, Chanson combines innovation with a dedication to improving the health and well-being of its users.

State-of-the-Art Technology:

Chanson Quality Water's ionizer machines boast state-of-the-art technology that ensures optimal performance. With features such as advanced filtration systems and precise ionization processes, users can trust in the delivery of consistently high-quality alkaline water.

Exceptional Filtration:

Recognizing the importance of water purity, Chanson integrates advanced filtration mechanisms into its ionizer machines. These systems effectively remove impurities, contaminants, and chlorine, ensuring that users enjoy not only alkaline water but also water that is clean and safe.

User-Friendly Design:

Chanson's commitment to user satisfaction is evident in the user-friendly design of its water ionizer machines. Intuitive controls, easy installation, and low maintenance requirements make these devices accessible and convenient for users of all backgrounds.

Longevity and Durability:

Investing in a Chanson Quality Water ionizer is synonymous with investing in longevity and durability. The robust construction of these machines, coupled with rigorous quality control measures, guarantees a product that stands the test of time, providing consistent performance over the years.

In the journey towards achieving peak health and well-being, the role of water cannot be overstated. Alkaline water ionizer machines, with Chanson Quality Water leading the charge, offer a transformative approach to hydration. From balancing pH levels to promoting detoxification and bone health, the benefits of alkaline water are vast and compelling.

As consumers increasingly prioritize health-conscious choices, the combination of cutting-edge technology and the unwavering commitment to quality makes Chanson Quality Water a brand that resonates with those seeking the best for their well-being. Embrace the future of hydration with Chanson, where innovation meets excellence, and your journey to optimal health begins.

27 Feb 2023
Quality Water Softeners For Homes

 Water is essential and the use of water softeners in homes has impacted our lives in many ways. These are the highly recommended machines used for homes as well as offices as They help keep the hardness levels within the range. The water we use naturally contains minerals like calcium and magnesium and the category in which our water comes depends upon the amount of these minerals present in the water. By definition, Soft water contains lower levels of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals than hard water. 

There are many implications of using hard water as it contains a very high degree of Magnesium and Calcium. The presence of these chemicals in the water which we use for washing clothes, bathing, washing utensils, or any other work causes our appliances to wear out, dryness of skin, and decolor of fabrics. It erodes and decays their life by 50%. Also makes our clothes turn paler and thinner which ultimately reduces the life of clothes. The usage of hard water for personal use such as bathing can severely affect our skin & hair. 

In today's era of innovation and technology, there are many high-quality water softeners one can choose from. The water softeners for home are designed to resolve the hardness of water-related issues and bring the water within recommended hardness limits of 300mg/l max. 

The quality of soft water is very premium and one can feel the velvety touch of soft water, every time used for bathing or washing.

Chanson quality water softener filter uses ceramic ball technology that uses Far infrared rays (FIR) and makes the home water a fit for usage. Modern water softeners come with LCD Screen that displays vital information and one can easily access the condition of the water softener filter. It is really important to choose water softeners with an aesthetic appeal. The new-age softener machines are sleek and trendy, making them the best hard water softener for homes. 

Get the best quality water softener for homes and safeguard your health and appliances.

14 Feb 2023
Get Your Personal Hydrogen Water Machine

Water is synonymous with life as without it, one cannot imagine sustaining life. In today's era of increased stress and decreased immunity, you definitely need something extra apart from just good and nutritious food; hydrogen water!

Yes, it is normal water infused with increased hydrogen gas in it so that it becomes more healthy and tastier. One would think of the price before buying a hydrogen water bottle but imagine if you get hydrogen water from your own generator. You can buy a high-quality hydrogen water machine and get the best quality Hydrogen water. 

What exactly is Hydrogen water? Hydrogen water is simply the regular water you use with extra added hydrogen molecules and could act as a powerful antioxidant thus helping in the neutralization of free radicals. The branded and standard hydrogen water machines use the Solid Poly Electrolytic technology (SPE) or Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) techniques for generating pure and safe hydrogen-rich water without any residue of chlorine or ozone in your drinking water. 

Benefits of hydrogen water:

There are immense benefits of hydrogen water as it is believed to keep you free from frequent infections and give you a more energetic life.

            Hydrogen water reduces inflammation and works as an anti-ageing agent.

  1. Hydrogen water can reduce oxidative stress and improve immune functions.
  2. Hydrogen water increases anti-oxidant oxidants in your body and Modulates immune regulation and thus controls circadian rhythm.
  3. Regular intake of hydrogen water can reduce oxidative stress hence the risk of cardiovascular complications. the risk of heart disease
  4. It reduces cholesterol in those with metabolic syndrome

 One can buy the latest chanson quality water hydrogen water machine that generates pure hydrogen-rich water. The PEM technology used by Chanson quality water is modern and in this process, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen gas via an electrolysis process. This hydrogen gas molecule that break-down is supposed to infuse into the water thus creating antioxidant-rich water. The hydrogen water machine also helps to expel byproducts such as Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Chlorine.

27 Jan 2023
Enjoy The Immense Hydrogen Water Benefits

After the second wave of COVID-19, there was an extensive search for food items and drinks which can enhance immunity and keep us ready to fight against any virus. People were brewing many medicinal things and plants to make concoctions but it tasted bitter and most of us unfollowed the process after one or two trials. There is one alternative to this concoction and it is hydrogen water. You must have seen many celebrities and fitness enthusiasts tell about the hydrogen water benefits for a healthy life and enhanced longevity. 

The very first thing that comes to everyone's mind is why we need hydrogen water when the water itself is composed of molecules of oxygen and hydrogen. The answer lies in the simple molecular arrangement of water. Plain water contains hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a bond hence there is no free ion or radical to react with our body cells and infuse the benefits whereas hydrogen water has an antioxidant effect that creates more energy and cellular activity in the body cells. 

There are scientific papers claiming the benefits of hydrogen water and exhibiting its properties to reduce oxidative stress hence minimizing the chances of cardiovascular complications in young as well as middle-aged people. Mainly sports people or people engaged in rigorous activities take energy drinks which provide them with instant glucose but the drawback of daily consumption of these drinks lies in the sugar additives as these excess sugar content can cause harm over the long run. On the other hand, hydrogen water is highly antioxidizing water with a negative ORP (oxidative reduction potential) value for long-term health benefits. 

Benefits of Hydration water:

  1. It provides better Hydration 
  1. It boosts the energy levels of our body 
  1. It improves the Immunity 
  1. It is rich in Antioxidants 

Hydrogen water of premium quality can be obtained by hydrogen water generators. These are machines that add additional hydrogen to plain drinking water hence making it highly suitable and beneficial for our health. Chanson quality water ionizers generate high-quality hydrogen-rich water which increases energy, reduces inflammation, and reduces recovery times after workouts. Hydrogen-rich water can improve the quality of life in patients fighting chronic diseases. Hydrogen water is generally made by the electrolysis process, in which there occurs a decomposition of the water molecule into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas thus increasing the hydrogen content in water.


Chanson Quality Water
10 Jan 2023
Witness The Health Benefits Of Alkaline Water In Every Sip

In recent times, we all have read many articles relating to the role of water in good health and specifically the buzz around alkaline water. Even on social media, we have seen many celebrities endorsing the new entry; alkaline water. But the general public has very less knowledge about this miraculous water. Let's understand alkaline water. This is simply any water with an increased pH value or a decreased amount of hydrogen ion concentration in water in comparison to hydroxyl OH- ion. In definition, pH is in inverse proportion to hydrogen ion concentration. Alkaline water is made basic in nature by increasing or adding the concentration of minerals like potassium, manganese, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. 

These minerals have an important role in the body apart from making the water alkaline as they are attached to negatively charged anions such as carbonate, hydrogen carbonate, and ascorbate. This property increases the pH of water turning it into alkaline water. The consumption of alkaline water is said to increase the hydration of the human body. In a scientific experiment, it was observed that the consumption of high-alkaline water with a pH concentration of 8.8 can significantly reduce and

restore high blood viscosity. Blood viscosity is an important hydration and rehydration marker. Intake of alkaline water shows a positive effect on the pH of urine as more acidic urine may be an idicator of reduced hydration in the body. 

The consumption of alkaline water is a valuable nutritional vector that influences both acid-base balance and hydration status in active and average healthy adults. Alkaline water is supposed to benefit bone health, reduce muscle wasting, and help in reducing the chances of chronic factors like hypertension and stroke. One major issue rectified by the intake of alkaline water is Acid Reflux Disease. It is simply caused by the flowing back of stomach acid into the esophagus. Many scientific studies show that alkaline water irreversibly inactivates and denatures human pepsin which is an enzyme that is responsible for the mechanism of reflux. 

Alkaline water and an alkaline diet, both are reported to reduce bone resorption and increase bone density. Many scientific papers claim that regular intake of alkaline water for years can slow down the process of ageing as it contains anti-oxidants. This happens because of ORP (Oxidation reduction potential). A negative ORP indicates that the water is antioxidant and Antioxidants prevent the formation of harmful chemicals known as "free radicals" in our bodies. Free radicals can accelerate ageing, and cause wrinkled skin and other disorders like cataracts, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Drink alkaline water and be a healthy individual thus increasing the equality of life. 

30 Dec 2022
Healthy Kangen Water

Some years back I came across the work of Dr Masaru Emoto, who was a pioneer in the study of water. In his work on water, he demonstrated that water is shaped by environment, thoughts and emotions. I was amazed to see the scientific evidence as put by the famous pseudo-scientist and the author of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds and intentions. We all would acknowledge the importance of water in our lives and how it has immense benefits for our health apart from being important in our daily lives. Like every new invention, we have seen in the recent past that water has also re-invented itself in form of healthy kangen water.

 Kangen is a Japanese word that means "Return to origin". Once you take Kangen water, you are meant to return to your original way of being, hence living a more peaceful and natural life. Kangen water is the modified and treated water that contains the original flavour and purity as it needs to be. Kangen water is basically water in its purest form. Healthy kangen water is delightful and it gives a velvety and soft feel while drinking. A feeling of fulfilment is obvious after taking kangen water. The benefits of kangen water include better hydration, increased energy and focus, acid reflux neutralization, weight loss, a strong immune system and the ability to protect against many chronic ailments. Regular drinking water is converted to healthy kangen water by using Kangen water machines which gives us safe, healthy and hydrogen-rich water.

 It is a well-accepted fact that high acidity is not good for our bodies as it has been linked to bone density loss, acid reflux, ailments, hair loss etc. Healthy kangen water, which is an extended and improved version of Alkaline water, is supposed to improve digestion, expel toxins, reduce hair fall, and improve immunity and overall health. Many scientific papers put forward that an alkaline state is ideal because chronic diseases like cancer and harmful bacteria can thrive in acidic environments so it is advisable to give an alkaline environment by increasing the intake of healthy kangen water. Dr Masaru Emoto has actually revolutionised the idea of our thoughts impacting water and how water itself is an essential element of nature and the essence of our emotional lives. Drink healthy kangen water and feel the essence of what dr. Emoto actually meant.


Chanson Quality Water
19 Dec 2022
Healthy Water Is Paramount To Good Health

Water is basic and this holds true in every sense. Everything we think about is made of water and is the life source of everything. But this basic thing when taken carelessly can cause major health issues in both humans and animals. Hydration is highly recommended to keep oneself rejuvenated and lack of it can cause many symptoms like headache, fatigue, dizziness, and heatstroke. Healthy water is paramount to good health and can increase your longevity. 

We need to be specific about choosing our water and its quality.  Good quality alkaline water is an important safeguard offered to your health. This type of water gained popularity in recent years and studies reveal its numerous health benefits. Normal water satisfies your thirst quench but when it comes to overall well-being, we need alkalized water with added nutrients and hydrogen so that we get a healthy and ailment-free life. Normal water helps us to regulate our body temperature and keep the vital live processes running. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream thus giving the energy to the body for proper functioning.  Water also assists in flushing unwanted body waste through urination and also acts as a shock absorber for sensitive organs like the brain, spinal cord, etc. It also lubricates joints and makes the body agile. 

Alkaline water offers more added benefits than normal drinking water. Here are some: 

  1. No acid reflux issue: 

Alkaline water has added antioxidants that oppose reactive oxygen species(ROS) in your body responsible for the illness. Alkaline water helps relieve general acidity experienced by a larger number of people regularly. One can get relief from gastrointestinal diseases also. 

2. Lifetsyle diseases are eased down with alkaline water. 

Problems like diabetes and hypertension can cause severe health issues if unmonitored. These problems get flared up due to a sedentary lifestyle. Using alkaline water will alleviate the issue and help you in being free from frequent doctor visits. 

3. Enhances Immune Response 

Covid 19 wreaked havoc on all of us but people with poor immunity suffered a lot. In today’s world of increased viral infections, we need to boost our immunity multifold so that our immune system can fight the infection easily. The person having good and enhanced immunity is healthy and safe. Fruits and vegetables are antioxidant-rich but intake of a Chanson quality water sufficient quantity of alkalized water can raise your immunity levels in the body. 

Healthy water can pave a way for good health which can give overall wellness, and lower the risk of ailments in your body.  Best quality Chanson ionizer gives premium quality alkalized water. 

Chanson Quality Water
25 Nov 2022
Goodbye To Extra Weight With Alkaline Water

How do I look? Do I look overweight? How to get a perfect figure? People are just obsessed with these kinds of questions. They may not be concerned about good health and longevity but yes, they have an on-the-top obsession with their physical appearance and how others appraise their personality on various social media platforms. Whatever the reason may be, shedding those extra kilos is always appreciable as obesity is catastrophic and can lead to many chronic ailments. Now, one can say goodbye to extra weight with alkaline water. You can get slim and fit too in just a sip of alkaline water.

 Let's find out the secret behind alkaline water in helping you to maintain your weight.

Drinking alkaline water neutralizes the acidity hence the stored fat that was caused by processed food like sugary drinks and caffeine. Adequate water and hydration are important factors that can lead to weight loss. Drinking more water leads to a feeling of fullness and thus reduces binge eating which in turn lets you consume fewer calories.

 The tendency of drinking and eating is controlled by one important part of the brain called the hypothalamus and we often mistake thirst for hunger, so we end up snacking and adding more calories than we burn. So, if we drink enough water before a meal then we can control hunger and as a result, our consumed calories can be controlled. Although regular water would do the job of maintaining weight Alkaline water proves to be a better option as intestines absorb alkaline water much quicker than regular water. Alkaline water also provides increased energy and improved muscle function by preventing lactic acid build-up in muscles.

 Indigestion is one of the most common problems faced by people in today's busy beaver lifestyle and it is scientifically proven that you can have a toned and fit body if your digestive tract is not fit. Drinking alkaline water can ease the problem as its regular consumption can help to lubricate the colon which in turn can flush out the toxins and maintain a healthy digestive tract thus you can say goodbye to extra weight with alkaline water. Good Metabolism is another factor that can be achieved by drinking alkaline water. Metabolism is the natural biochemical in the body that converts nutrients into energy so that our body can function properly. Alkaline water can enhance the metabolism function and thus increase the energy levels in the body. This will burn extra calories and can boost the weight loss process.

 Alkaline water is one complete solution for weight loss so drink it and be your personal best. You can get the best quality alkaline water by using Chanson quality water Ionizer that uses latest Japan's nano-platinum electrolytic plates with seven 12-slot electrolytic cells that can generate high levels of active hydrogen and makes your water full of health benefits and of course a refreshing taste!

Chanson Quality Water
19 Nov 2022
Hydrogen Water And Its Benefits

Water has been the central theory to the evolution as well as the development of life on earth. Human beings have always been concerned about water and its role in their lives. Regular and sufficient intake of water can keep us healthy but what about the essential minerals in water that we need? Hydrogen water comes to our rescue. Scientific studies indicate that molecular hydrogen is a therapeutic gas that can play a significant role in the overall well-being of humans. 

Hydrogen water contains added amounts of hydrogen along with magnesium mineral as these both make the drinking water better than normal water used by us. The presence of magnesium is such that it reacts with water molecules and releases hydrogen gas in water which in turn makes the water hydrogen rich and hence highly beneficial for our consumption. At higher temperatures, hydrogen is liberated in the form of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen acts as an anti-oxidant inside our body and has many anti-inflammatory properties. Once inhaled, hydrogen is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream in the lungs and from there it can be carried throughout the body.  More the hydrogen in the water, the more hydrogen is absorbed into the bloodstream which benefits the entire system.

Here are some benefits of hydrogen water:

     Acts as an antioxidant and avoids brain damage

     Beneficial in treating mood disorders

     Acts as an anti-inflammation agent

     Reduces muscle fatigue

     Prevents metabolic syndrome

     Help in weight loss

     Stimulates mitochondrial function

     Improves oxidative stress

Hydrogen water that contains extra added, OH ions can help to fight against lung diseases, and pulmonary disorders as well as in treating diabetes. It is well believed that hydrogen has more hydration-providing capability and hence can reach the lungs more easily and quickly thus giving a more refreshing effect on the body and mind. It also slows down the aging process which is caused by oxidative damage.  The anti-oxidative effects of hydrogen-rich water suppress oxidative damage, which may aid in inhibiting age-related inflammatory reactions. Drinking hydrogen-rich water smoothens muscle cell proliferation, increases vascular density, and increases PH hypertrophy.

Regular consumption of Chanson-quality Hydrogen water will eventually lead to a blissful life and enhanced productivity.  The hydrogen water purifier is one ioniser (ionizer) that can give you the best hydrogen water The hydrogenated antioxidant water from ZeroB Hydrolife’s water purifier offers you many health benefits. Still, thinking about what to buy? Don not waste your time and choose a hydrogen water purifier for your home and offices. Just choose the perfect hydrogen water purifier for your home and keep the health of your family in check.

27 Oct 2022
Use Of Alkaline Water In The Treatment Of Cancer

When we count for assets in life, good health takes the topmost spot but with changing lifestyles, being healthy has become a tough task. Chronic ailments are becoming common and one such is Cancer. Cancer leaves patients highly despondent and their families distressed. Dietary changes can cause a huge impact on cure and survival rates for patients. Water plays an important role in keeping us healthy and the right kind of water adds to the nutrients in our body. Usage of Alkaline water has shown a significant change in cancer rehabilitation and improved QOL(Quality of life) and alkaline water is good for health as generally seen.

Some medical journals have elaborately published the effect of alkaline water and its role in cancer. Cancer can start anywhere in the human body and normal course cells in the human body multiply to form new cells while the old ones die completing their life cycle on the contrary in cancer, there is an irregular and uncontrolled growth of malign cells which destroy the normal human tissue and hinder the proper functioning of the body. These journals claim that cancer cells are more rapidly in an acidic environment. Our body is acidic but the regular consumption of alkaline water reduces the acidity of our body. Once the pH of the body is brought to alkaline levels, a less conducive environment for cancer cell growth is given. Higher pH in our body can slow cancer cell growth.

Apart from cancer cell growth, one more important factor for any cancer patient or survivor is the overall health of the body and its ability to absorb nutrients so that it has the immunity to fight well with ailments. It has been observed that Alkaline water maintains the pH of the blood and thus helps fight acid reflux which in turn improves metabolism and increases the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients. These nutrients play an important role in our fight against cancer. In general, it is widely accepted that keeping yourself hydrated is a must thing to do while undergoing rigorous cancer treatment processes like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. The after-effects of cancer treatments like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. can lead to dehydration. So, a good level of hydration is highly recommended along with the ongoing cancer-treatment process.  Now alkaline water has been shown to provide a hostile environment for cancer cells. And it also provides really good hydration which is far better than regular water.

 Alkaline water of about  3-4 litres along with alkaline food items like soy, beans, lentils, etc. can help in controlling blood pressure and body temperature hence giving a good quality of life to cancer patients. Alkaline water and its role in cancer are accepted as in cancer patients, it slows the growth of cancer cells but some people have the perception that alkaline water price is beyond the regular budgetary reach of the general public, which is again a myth as many innovative budding ionizer manufacturers are offering affordable rates and great quality of Ionisers. Alkaline water has been a proven companion in the journey of recovery from cancer.  It improves your blood acidity as acidosis can cause many chronic ailments like kidney failure so keeping the acid in your blood above 7.35 on the pH scale is recommended. For a quicker recovery, use Chanson Alkaline water and experience the change. 

14 Oct 2022
Difference between Alkaline water and alkalised water

Water is paramount when we talk about life and it has a major role to play in keeping us healthy. We are already on the brink of health disasters owing to our busy-beaver lifestyles and food habits, that have changed drastically but water is one common and easy to have health-tonic that can revamp our lost immunity and help us to fight chronic diseases and keep them at bay. There is a lot of buzz about keeping the PH of our body more towards an alkaline side by drinking alkaline water rather than normal water.  What is this alkaline water? Is this alkaline water the same as alkalised water. Let's break the myth and find out the difference between alkanile water and alkalised water?

 Everyone of us have studied about pH of liquids in our science textbooks and according to the universally accepted definition, anything having a PH of greater than 7 is alkanine and less than 7 is acidic while water is neutral with a PH of 7 at 25℃.  Yes! It's true that minerals are added in normal water to make it alkaline by increasing its pH but here we are keen about the alkalising effect in our body rather than taking the alkaline water directly. One example is lemon juice, which is actually very acidic in nature with a very low pH, but it has an alkalizing effect once metabolized within the body.

Here is the difference:

 Alkaline water is made through a chemical process with addition of minerals like sodium bicarbonate , magenesium, calcium to it that raises its pH and makes it more alkaline. Simple chemistry behind the properties of these minerals that make them alkalising is that they are attached to negatively charged anions such as carbonate, hydrogen carbonate, and ascorbate. Use of alkaline water with pH 8.8 may help deactivate pepsin, the main enzyme that causes acid reflux, thus relaxing patients with relux problems.

On the other hand, Alkalised water, which has got its immense health benefits, is obtained through the process of electrolysis. It has no added chemicals to increase its pH hence is naturally rich in hydrogen ions and antioxidants. It is widely accepted that molecular Hydrogen reduces oxidative stress and inflammation from the body thus revitalizing it and reducing the risk of metabolism syndrome. It is clinically tested for reducing LDL("Bad hormone") and improving HDL. Alkalised water also protects cellular damage thus decreases disease risk. A truly alkalizing water generally has high TDS(Total dissolved solids).

 There are fine scientific parameters that can clearly tell the difference between Alkaline water and Alkalised water. Clear understanding of these differences and use of Alkalised water by Chanson water ionizer can ameliorate the situation of health related ailments. Inclusion of a balanced diet along with best alkalised water can definitely play a crucial role in improving our health. Times are changing and adapting according to time can only save us from the vicious circle of bad health and hospitalisations. Changing our sedentary lifestyles and adding some good habits to our lifestyle can be highly beneficial to us.. 

04 Mar 2020
Is indian are drinking alkaline water or only rich countries are drinking it

Dr Otto Warburg, the 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery made the revolutionary claim that “NO disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.”

And so is promoting the renowned actress Raveena Tandon, who is one among the fortunate thousand to be followed by the Hon. Prime Minister of the largest Republic of the World, the Republic of India, Mr Narendra Modi, lovingly renowned as NAMO, whom himself is followed by more than four million people.

She is advocating and advising the world to switch over to alkaline water to save oneself from deadly diseases like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, migraine, ageing, high blood pressure, arthritis, dermatitis, constipation, acidity, fat, depression, hormonal diseases, infertility and even cancer, including thousand others more.

There was a time when we had not even heard of these diseases. But, now, they have entered every household, instead have already entered close to more than 90% people’s body in one way or another.

In early days they may remain dormant for a long period, only to all of a sudden surprise you one day that you are suffering with a deadly disease and you can’t be cured any more. Therefore, the best thing is to keep your body alkaline and even not to allow any disease or ailment

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