These Ceramic Ball Water Activators generates negative ions that have a miraculous impact on the human body system and work at the cellular level to enhance the healing of the entire biological body. They work on the cells of the body and make them function in a proper manner they are supposed to work; thus, preventing them from any malfunctioning or deteriorating the body systems. The negative ions prevent the body from oxidization and help it in leading a longer life. Therefore, these Ceramic Ball Water Activators are a boon to keep the human body fit and healthy in a natural way without taking the aid of any synthetic or chemical material.
Yes, you got it right! The Negative Ions do a lot for us. From increasing your immune system to reducing toxins to protect your skin from ill-effects of chlorine, it does all. Researches have shown that it alleviates SAD, seasonal affective disorder too. So far so good, but how these Far Infrared Rays (FIR) do this miracle?
Yes, the negative ions are a miracle for the human body as they heal it naturally without creating any side-effect and doing other damages to it. The negative ions increase the immune system of the body by reducing the toxins in the body. In other words, they detoxify the body at the cellular level and repair the damaged or infected cells. They heal the cells naturally the way the body works on its own, and while doing this, they, in turn, expedite the body’s healing system, making it heal faster in a natural way. These negative ions are significantly responsible for curing and repairing human body systems to make them work effectively. Researches have shown that it alleviates SAD, seasonal affective disorder too. So far so good, but how these Far Infrared Rays (FIR) do this miracle?
The Far Infrared Rays are capable of energizing the water. Once the water is energized, it got activated to cure our body systems more effectively and efficiently. During the activation of water, the size of water clusters gets reduced. These smaller sized water clusters are easily absorbed by the body and have a magical effect on the entire body systems, especially on the skin and the hair.
In Water Softener, there is a Multi Vortex Water Symphonizer that treat the water while it passes through the two stages. First, the water is let to pass through the Multi Vortex and then across the Ceramic Balls. While passing through these two stages, the size of the water cluster gets reduced, and the water gets activated without any chemical application as these Ceramic Balls are also made up of natural materials.
Other water softener are also available in the market, but they treat the water chemically, which in turn add several side-effects in the water against making it softener. So, where’s the point in having a water softener, which rectifies one and damages two systems.
Therefore, the Far Infrared rays treated water helps all human body systems to work and grow naturally while getting healed and repaired naturally during the process itself. Once the body attains a stronger immunity, it improves its resistivity to infections and other diseases.
The Dr. Softener Water Conditioner can be installed at all places where ever human beings and other living things are around considering its several benefits to humans, flora, and fauna like homes, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, swimming pools, farms, recreational centers and all other places where water is used in one way or another. So, how the Dr. Softener Water Conditioner neutralizes hard water?
There’s a three-phase water conditioning process that neutralizes the hard water in the Dr. Softener Water Conditioner. They are polarization, Oxidation-reduction, and Ionization.
This, treated water remains as treated and conditioned for ever, once it’s through the Dr. Softener Water Conditioner. There is no requirement of retreating the water again.
Dr. Softener is static equipment for treating water naturally to make it better for human use. As it is static, it neither has any moving part nor any chemical candle requiring replacement, therefore, it lasts its entire life. It doesn’t degrade or corrode and keeps serving you for years, year after year, generation after generation till it gets broken or is physically damaged. Still, it comes with a 5 Year Limited Guarantee subject to being not physically damaged or broken.
Dr. Softener is generally installed right after the water meter as the treated water is beneficial for all applications one come across. It carries different benefits for different uses and benefits all whether it’s you, your family, your equipment, your gadgets, your fittings or any other system that involves water.
Dr. Softener Water Conditioner is a MUST for all homes, offices, industries, hospitals, etc. as it not only helps to keep the human body fit but also keeps homes, gadgets, equipment, fittings and other systems to the mark. It is nothing short of being your lifelong companion, which knows only to serve without demanding any maintenance or expense.
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